Motor control gear and automation

Emergency power supply problems
Feeder, service and switchgear repair
Emergency power loss power outage
Electrical room emergency wiring repair
Damaged commercial & industrial wiring
Burnt transformer installation & replacing
Tripping circuit breaker panel replacement
Add power capacity to building warehouse

Broken Conduit, damaged pipe, cut off wires
Electrical room reconstruction & modification
three phase upgrade for high current machines
Toronto factory equipment burning emergency
Basement water-damaged wiring and equipment
Fire alarm testing, installation & troubleshooting
Toronto warehouse, shop, plant troubleshooting
Install a fused switch, add a shut-off disconnect
House supply panel is dead after the thunderstorm
Emergency replacement of damaged supply conduit
Brand new building power supply wires got broken or damaged
Power supply pipe attached to house external wall was broken by a fallen tree
Emergency power fault at Lansdowne Ave, troubleshooting outage at Bloor St West, blackout Keele St, supply problem Jane St, workstation wiring electrician